When kids in 3rd world countries read 1st world problems.



Hello! 🙂

(The video below is a total tearjerker)

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#FirstWorldProblems. Admit it. At least once in your life, you have hash tagged this in your FB, Twitter or Instagram. If you live in either developed or developing country, for one reason or another, you’re probably guilty of uttering this phrase.

Sure, minor inconveniences can piss you off big time, but when you look closer (And I really meant, look HARD), having to stand in long queue at Starbucks at 8am, or when your iPhone’s battery is about to die right when you need it – seemed like it’s not really the end of the world after all.

Not having clean water or a even a place to sleep during the night is however – AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT STORY.

To raise awareness about what “problems” really are, Water Is Life launched the “First World Problems” advertisement video not long ago.



The message was clear & simple: To spread awareness of the poor standard of living in 3rd world countries.But for me, the real message for us is: Be thankful & Be grateful of what you have instead of launching endless complaints.  – It’s all about perspective.


Here’s a full article:

#firstworldproblems ad campaign

Hope all of us can learn something from here:) xx


4 thoughts on “When kids in 3rd world countries read 1st world problems.

    • I agree 🙂 I am glad someone like ‘Water Is Life’ foundation decided to take the initiative to be bold & make this video to raise awareness. We already have enough poverty issue in the world & it saddens me to see that, what most people care about today is what Kim kardashian wear on the red carpet.

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