The Happiest Thank You: Coca-Cola


Hello! 🙂

Despite my lack of enthusiasm towards Coke, (or Pepsi or anything gas for that matter) I never failed to widen my eyes in awe every time I witness a Coke ad. Most of them are geniusly creative (if there is such a thing) & it almost makes me want to actually buy a Coke & drink it.

This time, Coca-Cola goes to extra length in tapping the emotions of its consumers. Instead of coming up with the normal, boring carbonated drink ads, this new Coca-Cola ads released in Philippines has gained widespread attention. Alongside the advert, the company inserted a powerful message.

Ever stop to think whether the people in you everyday life (I’m not just referring to families & close friends) like your milk delivery guy, postmen, local police patrols, land mowers, bus drivers or even waitresses at your favorite cafe? You might taking a liking towards one of these people & thank them immensely simply because they are the ones who smiles at you, greets you, or helps you deliver or sell something every other day.

Coca-Cola seize this opportunity by going one step further: Do you actually know their names?

Published on YouTube, the ads ask: “Who are the people you say Thank You to everyday?”




Although each person is grateful for a certain person whom they see in their day to day lives, none of them seem to know the names of the people they so appreciate. The issue that Coca-Cola was trying to address here is so subtle yet so powerful at the same time.

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Sure, it’s a wonderful marketing ad, but this still serves as a vital reminder to us all on the importance of gratitude (which I think most of us youth, lacks) for the unappreciated, servant-hearted people we stumbled upon on a daily basis.

Challenge yourself to take time to say thank you to those who serve you – just be sure to get their name.

Not only will you make their day, you will encourage them to continue their work with the knowledge they are positively impacting the lives of those around them.

Now that’s a good feeling, don’t ya think? Make this world a better place & be thankful! 🙂 




6 thoughts on “The Happiest Thank You: Coca-Cola

  1. i love this ad! Its very inspiring and touching 👍 I’ve seen some coca cola bottle with nicknames on them before- its so cool! This is a great way to promote their drink 😃


  2. Hello Nunezzou. Thank you for your comment & welcome to my blog!

    I’m glad my article has inspired you in some way. Hopefully, other big brands like NIKE can develop the same marketing style strategy to tap the heart of their respective consumers 🙂


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